
“I came to yoga at a time in my life when I was in deep pain both physically and emotionally. I had some family tragedies happen that rippled out and it rocked my world. I decided to try yoga at my gym and after my first class I was hooked. Over time I began to listen and respect my body and it’s limitations. I learned what happens when I move without attention and hurt myself and I also found ways to modify for my well-being. Then the pandemic hit and we isolated at home. This time was healing for me as it was the first time since college that I had time of any significance to think and just be.

As soon as I was vaccinated I went hunting for a yoga studio and I was so excited to find Nourishing Storm! There’s so much that I love about the studio. All the teachers are fantastic and the energy of everyone is so warm and friendly. I always feel welcome and I admire everyone so much. I love that the teachers participate as well as teach. I have learned a lot since I joined and continue to deepen my practice. I am healing and growing here. I truly mean it when I say that yoga at Nourishing Storm is the highlight of my day.”