
I believe we are where are meant to be and that everything happens for a reason. When Kristin came to my work to hold a yoga session and I was very excited to join. I was considering joining a yoga studio but didn’t know which one to choose so this opportunity came at a good time. After a time the class moved to the studio and I decided I wanted to join and I’m so glad I did. I have found a place where I can find peace, my center, just to ‘be’ without judgement. All the yogi instructors are wonderful and my fellow yogis are great too! Thanks to Kristin and her support I am also learning more about nutrition through an on-line course and the 7 week challenge. So I feel this is where I am meant to be at this time and I am looking forward to continuing my practice for my mind, body and soul. 

I chose my favorite yoga pose to be ‘the dancers pose’. It is to me a beautiful, opening poise. This pose allows me to be open and to feel the pose thru all parts of my body.