Yogi of the Month- April 2023

A person that enjoys taking care of others and making them happy sometimes has the realization that we sometimes forget about taking care of ourselves.

Occasionally, we just need a gentle reminder that we cannot forget about ourselves and our own health ~ both mentally and physically.

I started attending classes at Nourishing Storm at the end of 2022 and immediately fell in love. I started taking the Calm and Yin classes for I thought that these would be the “type” of classes I would be able to “handle”. Finally, after I gained some confidence, I tried the Empower class and realized, not to limit myself and try ALL styles of yoga that are available.

During a normal day, outside of the class, I also find myself using yoga ~ whether it is just taking a moment and stepping away from my desk to stretch or just reminding myself to, “just breathe” during those challenging moments. The classes also have helped me to “get out of my head” and just be. I know I have a long way to go on my yoga journey, but I am loving how far this journey has already taken me.

Thank you to Nourishing Storm and ALL involved, both students and teachers, for making this journey absolutely fantastic!!

~ Laura ❤