Yogi of the Month- November 2023

“I was struggling to find a way to get some healthy habits back into my life and routine. Nothing seemed to resonate or fit into a busy life with 3 kids. I ran into my friend, Bill at a get together on a Saturday night in late June and he said he had been having great results from practicing yoga. I was interested but hesitant. After some convincing I agreed to try a class first thing Sunday morning Since that Sunday I have been attending 2-4 practices a week regularly.

The classes fit great with my schedule and the exercise I was looking for. There were two parts I didn’t quite expect as I was starting my journey. First is the warm, positive, and friendly atmosphere that came with attending Nourishing Storm. Everyone has been so helpful and happy to encourage or answer any question. The second part was the positive mental impact. Not only have my aches and pains gone away but my mind is clearer, and I just feel better!

I am very proud to say I am a yogi and intend to be for the rest of my life.” - Daniel M.