Witch Hazel {Protection + Magical Beginnings}

“Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind, and the silence of the stars?” - Nora Roberts

Witch Hazel, our January theme, encompasses new and magical beginnings, healing and protection, and the promise of spring. This flowering shrub is long known for its medicinal and cosmetic properties, and its branches were once used as divining rods to locate water. As we start a new year, where can we find the healing, the refreshment, and the magic?

Here are some pondering points:

  • Think about where you want to be as we welcome 2024. An open slate? Ready-to-rock-it? Deep diving?

  • What magic will you bring with you? What will you leave behind?

  • How will you protect yourself from negativity (from within or without) while meeting the challenges and joys of the new year?

  • How can you be more mindful of your ability to heal yourself and others?

Questions presented by Eileen Seiler, RYT & Writer for Nourishing Storm. Eileen is a writer and teacher at Nourishing Storm. You can catch her Slow Flow classes Fridays at 9:30 am.


Our 2024 Themes: “The Language of Flowers”


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