
The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others. - Vincent Van Gogh

Our theme for November, REALIZE, is such a powerful and life-changing word. When we realize something, when we have that “aha” moment, doors open all around us inviting us to enter a new level of understanding, appreciation, and very often, acceptance. We can look at it another way as in realizing our dreams, making what we desire come true after putting in the time and effort.

Here are some pondering points:

  • What did your last “aha” moment bring you closer to understanding: another person, a belief, a self-truth?

  • When we realize something, how does it move us forward: are we kinder, braver, more tolerant, more compassionate, less afraid?

  • What are some of the ways we can open ourselves up to realizations in our own life?

Questions presented by Eileen Seiler, RYT & Writer for Nourishing Storm. Eileen is a writer and teacher at Nourishing Storm. You can catch her Brewing Storm classes Fridays at 9:30 am (in studio).


Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby)


Hanumanasana - Monkey Pose/Full Split