Saddle {Hero} Pose

Featuring Bernadette

Graduated from Root to Rise Teacher Training Spring 2024

Saddle Pose also known as Hero Pose can be an excellent stretch for very active people or those standing a lot during the day. There are many ways to experience this posture so take your time getting in to feel renewed and confident!


  • A deep opening in the sacral-lumbar arch

  • Stretches hips flexors and quadriceps

  • Stimulates the thyroid if the neck is dropped back

  • If the foot is, or the feet are, beside the hips, this becomes a good internal rotation of the hip.


  1. Start by sitting upright on your heels

  2. If this feels alright on your knees, you can start to lean back on your hands, then elblows and then eventually either propped on a bolster or lie all the way back on the ground.

  3. If this feels to challenging for your knees or ankles try one of the modifications below

  4. Stay for one to five minutes

  5. You can come out the way you went down or roll on your side to extend your legs back out.


  • Try half saddle with only one knee bent and the other leg extended out

  • Add a blanket your your knees

  • Place a block or two under your seat and stay upright or lay back with or without a bolster to lie on.

  • If bending knees is too much, bring heals and toes together for a reclining butterfly

Practice our pose of the month with us in your next Studio or Virtual class.


Lilac {Renewal + Confidence}


Plumeria {Grace + Charm}